Saturday, August 02, 2008

Ohhhh yeah, I did start a blog......

Okay, I think we'll give this another try, why not?

So, as I was saying (don't ask when or where, just follow along and nod.)
As I was saying, it's summertime and the livin' is easy. We spent the afternoon lolling about at our friend's shore house which has a lagoon running through the back. It was lovely and relaxing.
As usual I completely forgot to take along my camera, so I'm relying on the pictures that my friends took. When I get them I'll post a couple here.

I really, really don't understand how people do this blog thing. There is just nothing at all exceptional about my life, so I cannot imagine that anyone would want to read this.

We'll see....


Diedra Deutsch said...

It's not the exceptional things that make a blog, it's the ordinary things. Pay attention to your day, you have lots of extrodinary ordinary going on about you. Oh, you now have a foreign subscriber, so I'm going to looking for a little bit of home. Have you gone blueberry picking this summer? Blog it.

molytail said...

Hi there! Saw you on WTM and came to visit -- ms.d above is correct, it's not really the "exceptional" things, it's the day to day.... my blog sure isn't "exceptional" -- it's not devoted to just hs'ing, it's not home-making (hah, trust me - nobody wants homemaking lessons from this end...I *need* them LOL)'s just....stuff LOL dh works on the other side of the country and loves to see pics of the kids, friends read & comment and I do the same to theirs.. it's fun. :-)

So, hello hello from Canada! :-)

Katy said...

Gotta get me one of them friends with a shore house. Sounds fun! And exceptional? Please don't look at my blog if you want exceptional. ;)